Usually when we see remasters, it’s the complete opposite. And using a singular piece of art to advertise an entire remaster is just strange. It’s not like Rockstar doesn’t need to market this at all with so many other big games coming out in November. I have to imagine something like that is coming soon. How much better is it than the original? How much better will it look on PC or PS5 compared to Switch or Xbox One? I suppose Rockstar knows that a certain portion of the player population will buy the remaster sight unseen but…why? Why wouldn’t they start rolling out spots for it or even releasing screenshots this close to launch? It’s very weird. Look, I’m not expecting these games to look incredible or anything when they do arrive, but to be three weeks out from launch and not have so much as a single trailer showing how the remaster looks is flat-out bizarre. Rockstar has an entire page online for the remastered trilogy now, but literally all it shows is just the old promotional art for each game.